The best ideas for promoting hair growth – oils, scalp lotions and all that jazz

Long hair is a dream of every other woman. In most cases, however, our hair is so weak and splits so easily that we have to get them trimmed regularly. And this is how our great long hair plan ends up in failure. But it doesn’t have to be like that! Learn the best ideas to promote hair growth.


The speed of hair growth is written in our genes. As we age or by reason of poor hair condition, the hair grows slowly. The strands are reluctant to extend as quickly as they used to. This state of matters may be also connected with the state of our health, e.g. disturbed hormonal balance or stress. Luckily, despite the causes (which are worth knowing!), there are a few tips for long tresses that may work for you. What is the most efficacious?

Healthy hair grows faster

You have to begin with proper conditioning treatments and hair repair. You can’t expect damaged and splitting hair to grow fast. As if frazzled strands weren’t bad enough, they must be trimmed often, thus we won’t be able to notice any extension whatsoever. What to start with in order to help the hair grow longer and thicker?

  1. Foods for hair growth – food products we eat have an immense influence on our physical appearance. In order to make the hair stronger and give them the power to extend, it needs vitamins, minerals and good fatty acids (omega). Therefore, eat plenty of fish, vegetables, fruit, wholegrain products as well as the food rich in zinc and silicon.
  2. Hydration is the basics – if your body is dehydrated, your hair is also negatively affected by the lack of water so it turns to be dry, brittle and shine-deprived. If you want to keep the hair in good condition, try replenishing it with water not only through the cosmetics but also from within by drinking at least 2 liters of fresh water daily.
  3. Hair care products – the most important though are hair care products, yet you have to know how to use them correctly. A hair mask, natural oil or conditioner are the cosmetics that have to match hair type. For example, if the hair is dry, the cosmetics you want to apply should have a moisturizing effect. In the case of damaged and over-processed hair, the cosmetics should be enriched with proteins.

What for promoting hair growth

When our hair is finally strong, moisturized and repaired from within, you can move on with introducing the hair growth promoting techniques. Yet, there is just one thing worth realizing. Namely, you have to find out how fast your hair is able to extend by its nature – some people grow hair faster, whereas others need more time to achieve the same results.

Here are the best ideas for promoting hair growth:

  1. Castor oil – the best natural oil that promotes hair growth. Recommended by bloggers who rave about its naturalness, low price and effectiveness. However, if you wish to treat your hair with castor oil, you have to check if it was extracted due to a natural method, that is cold press (only this extraction method doesn’t reduce the nutrients in an oil). Once you manage to get a top quality castor oil, you can start rubbing it into the scalp before every shampooing. This will grant you strong hair from the roots to the ends. Just a few weeks suffice to see the difference.
  2. Scalp massage – some people associate it mainly with a way to relax themselves after a long and tiring day. Few know that regular scalp massage promotes hair growth. The magic happens in the hair follicles located in the scalp. Due to massage, they can be encouraged to produce more keratinocytes. All you have to do is boost blood flow in the scalp through the massaging to supply the follicles with the nutrients and help them work more effectively. Soon the hair will grow faster.
  3. Amber scalp lotion – the most popular scalp lotion promoting hair growth that can be bought in almost every drugstore or – provided that you have time and eagerness – prepared at home. Amber brims with the substances required by the hair to grow faster. Even the application itself – scalp massaging – speeds up the process of growing long hair. Amber scalp lotion has to be used prior to shampooing. You have to devote at least 5 minutes for this treatment.
  4. Herbal scalp lotions – your allies in the fight for long and full-looking hair are herbs such as horsetail and nettle, as well as some vegetable extracts such as black radish. It’s incredibly beneficial if you regularly rub these extracts into the scalp. You will notice the first improvements in the way the hair looks pretty fast – the hair gets longer and looks conditioned. It’s definitely worth making use of herbal scalp lotions (various herbal blends) on a regular basis. You can even mix them with natural oils.
  5. Flax seed – another way to promote hair growth includes flax seed that can be used as a drink or by preparing a special homemade flax seed gel and apply it to the scalp. In both cases, this home way to get longer hair faster works equally good. Why so? Because flax seed contains folic acid, vitamins (A, B, C, D, E and K), calcium, selenium, iron, magnesium and zinc.
  6. Yeast for hair – similar effects can be achieved with yeast. They should be used regularly because they are a rich source of B-group vitamins and minerals. Drinking yeast visibly speeds up the process of growing long hair. How to prepare such a miraculous potion? Cover max 50 g of yeast (you can start with smaller portions) with hot water, let it cool down and drink every day for 2-3 months.